22.3 Acres Greenville Dr. Village of Greenville


Location, location, location!

Industrial zoning.

Frontage on CB and GV (Greenville Drive).

A great location for business expansion, warehousing, trucks and other industrial opportunities.

Easy access to Hwy 41.

Short distance to Hwy 15.

Well located to serve both the Appleton and Green Bay markets.

In close proximity to the Appleton Airport.

Other nearby businesses include banking, restaurants, warehousing, manufacturing, gas stations, hotels, Fox River Mall.

Information provided for general information only; if material should be verified by user or qualified expert. *Taxes may not include all assessments or fees. Buyer should verify total square footage, acreage/land, building/room dimensions if material. Below-grade areas may not meet building code requirements. Equal Housing Opportunity Listing.

Price: $1,181,900.00 USD
Address:W6193 Greenville Dr.
Zip Code:54942
Property Type:Industrial Zoned Land
Lot size:22.3 Acres

Location Map